Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Day 4: Barcelos to Lugar do Corga

Behold the rain which descends from heaven upon our vineyards; there it enters the roots of the vines, to be changed into wine; a constant proof that God loves us, and loves to see us happy. 
Benjamin Franklin
We're really enjoying the weather although it is a little warmer than we expected. The spring flowers here in Portugal are spectacular. Today we spent all day walking through fields of flowers in Vineyards. There is a lot more walking along Cobblestone roads here in Portugal then there was in 2016 in Spain. It's pretty hard on the feet.

Another difference between Portugal and Spain, is that the Portuguese love their pastries. I read an article before we came titled "Twenty Portuguese pastries you must eat before you die". I think we've only had 19 so far so we'll be okay.

Tonight we rejoined Claudius and his wife from Holland. We stayed with them two days ago in Rates. They're in their 70s and lost count how many times they've done the Camino. Claudius is a bit of an author and wrote an entire page in the guest book of his thoughts.

Over half the people we meet are from Germany. The Germans have the last two weeks of May off work as a holiday. I think the whole country is here. The hostiles fill up as early as lunchtime some days. We may stay more in bed and breakfast style places. Also, I think Portugal might run out of beer.

Spring flowers are amazing

I have read dozens of blogs on the Camino and Casa Fernanda is a legend. Fernanda is the inspiration for all of us, and so is her husband, optometrist Jacinto, who loves his free spirit of a wife so much that he doesn't care WHO is under his roof or in his garden fir the night. Their daughter, Mariana greeted us when arrive and showed us to the garden house where we share a room with 9 others. Austrian, German, English, Dutch, and we the lone Americans.

Fernanda serves a huge dinner with homemade wine and breakfast in the morning. She will only accepted small donations.

Off to Ponte de Lima in the morning.

Casa Fernanda - home for the evening

getting closer every day

Follow the yellow arrows

Laurel always wants to be taller

bunk house at the Casa Fernanda

bunk house in the garden and fire pit/grill in the lean-to

fit pit area with soft chair to relax

we saw these strange gyms about once a day -- never saw anyone using the equipment