Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Day 3: Rates to Barcelos

“Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.” – John Muir

Torre do Cimo da Vila - The Medieval Tower in the center of town and museum

The town's famous symbol is a rooster and this is sometimes used as the symbol of Portugal.

One versions of this legend -- a rich man threw a big party. When the party was over, the rich man noticed that his silver cutlery was stolen by a guest. He accused a pilgrim who was on the Camino and had him sent before a judge. The judge was about to eat a roasted rooster when the pilgrim said: "If I am innocent, this rooster will crow three times." When the pilgrim was about to be lynched, the rooster jumped off the plate and crowed. The judge released the pilgrim.

The Crucifix to the Lord of the Rooster (Cruzeiro do Senhor do Galo) was erected by the pilgrim who only escaped death because of a rooster.

view from the medieval tower

national pastry -- the Nata -- four flavors for after dinner

our private room fro the night